Further Decentralizing Decentralized Finance

titleFurther Decentralizing Decentralized Finance
location_infoAmphi 25
summaryAutomated market makers (AMMs) are automata that trade assets on one or more blockchains. They typically rely on arbitrage agents to keep prices in line with prices set by a shared reference market. But if there is no shared market? Consider a distributed system where a population of AMMs interact with a population of arbitrage agents who seek to profit from pairwise price differences between randomly-chosen AMMs. We give bounds on convergence rates, arbitrage profits, and the degree to which arbitrageurs can collude to set prices. What if AMMs could capture arbitrage profits for themselves by rebalancing their pools directly? We give bounds on convergence rates, and the degree to which the AMMs can collude to set prices. Joint work with Sergio Rasjbaum and Sam Devorsetz.